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The Rise of Supplements- Why It Matters for You?

Writer: healthynaturalshealthynaturals

Every single day when I see husband reach out to his bottle of fitness and dietary supplement, I wonder how well they work for him? Are they safe to take? is my husband depending on them away too much? And I think I am not the only one who thinks this way when it comes to supplements.

As along with my husband, more than half of the Americans take some type of supplements on a daily basis. What I find most disturbing about the supplement is they are available without any prescription and usually come in pills and capsules that make them an easy subject to abuse. I understand that most of the supplements contain the Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, herbal products and also botanicals. Most of the people I know only take supplements to make sure that they are getting enough nutrients to maintain and their health but I know not everyone needs to take supplements.

Who needs dietary supplements and why?

When asked to our family doctor, he explained that although not all of us need supplements, there are particular groups – pregnant and lactating, aged men and women, and those who don’t spend time in the sun or eat balanced meals are suggested to take the nutrients and vitamins. He also suggested that what many of us don’t realize that our body will not consume the vitamins and nutrients if it doesn’t need it.

What one needs to consider before taking supplements?

As far as I have learned, the supplements can have side effects If taken before or after the surgery with other medications. Also, if you are allergic, then it can reverse the effects, causing more harm than the good it has done to your body. Therefore, it is highly recommended to consult with your physician before incorporating any dietary supplement into your daily diet.

My husband on the other side takes Omega 3 Fish Oil for Health. As he is vegetarian and doesn’t eat fish but suffers from skin issues our doctor, recommended him to take the fish oil supplement to fulfil the daily requirement of omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. As our body cannot produce it on its own, the body requirement needs to be fulfilled with either meal or supplement. In our case the meal is not an option so, my husband went with the supplement.

What else I found through my research is that dietary supplements are regulated by the US food and drug administration (FDA) and they are considered as superfoods instead of drugs. Similar to medicines they don’t claim to cure or treat any health-related problem or diseases. So, don’t take them hoping they will cure anything.

Evidence of the supplements

I am not saying that supplements don’t do anything- there is some evidence that suggests that some supplements can contribute to the overall health and wellness. Some of the most popular supplements that make a positive impact on your body and mind are Omega 3 Fish Oil, Turmeric Curcumin with black pepper, calcium, vitamin B, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D.

During the pregnancy, women require vitamins D and folic acids and supplements are a great source to fulfil this requirement. Research highlights that fish oil supplements can promote a healthy heart, brain, skin, and hair.

In the end, just because supplements are being promoted doesn’t mean they are safe. Deciding whether you should or shouldn’t take the supplement is a serious matter. Therefore, first, you need to learn about their potential benefits and risks they pose before making your decision. Detailed consultation with the physician is also suggested to make sure supplements are safe to take.

Moreover, if you have any doubts then, you can reach out to the same experts I did at Healthy naturals. Browse the website to learn more about their range of supplements.


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