After gaining recognized for health benefits, Omega-3 Fish Oil stealing the light again as medicine for mood disorder including; depression to bipolar disorder. The journey to find out the secret relationship between Omega-3 and mood disorder begins when a team of scientists finds out that people who are living in the coastal areas and consuming fatty fishes are less likely to come up with depression issues than people who avoid fishes.
The investigation started to find out if Omega-3 Fatty acids in Fatty fishes can reduce the risk of mood disorders and treat illness like anxiety and depression or not. In this blog, we will shed some light upon this topic to find out whether Omega-3 Fatty Acids curing mood orders is myth or reality.
How Omega 3 Improves Depression: Truth Behind Assumptions

Different people have come up with different theories. Some proposed Omega-3 can cure mood disorder just because it can easily travel through the brain cell membrane and interact with molecules responsible for mood swings. Others comply with the fact that anti-inflammatory actions Omega-3 fatty acid help it to reduce anxiety and depression.
A solid proof
To come with solid proof, more than 30 clinical trials has been tested on people suffering from depression. In most of the studies were performed using Omega-3s for the people taking prescribed medicine to test the benefits. Only fewer studies were performed using the Omega 3 alone. Apart from these two, clinical trials were performed using the EPA or the combination of EPA and DHA keep the dosage in between 0.5 to 1 gram per to 6 to 10 gram per day. The results of these clinical trials shown the benefits of Omega-3 Fish Oil when it comes to treating mood disorders but the findings are not unanimous because of the difference in the fatty acid type and dosage.
Recent studies at Massachusetts General Hospital and Emory University suggested that overweighed patients with depression can use EPA treatment to reduce their mood disorders. Various researches have also shown that Omega-3 fatty supplements can also help teens with depression or anxiety disorder.
Omega-3 Fish oil for other mood disorders
Omega-3s fish oil is studied in various situations to find out if it works well with a mood disorder and postpartum depression. In some worse bipolar situations, Omega 3s can be an effective treatment for bipolar disorders still many believe that Fish Oil Omega Gold for mood disorders is more effective in depression phase than the manic phase the mental illness. The same supplement is always suggested to prevent psychiatric conditions such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder in patients. However, the lack of solid evidence makes it difficult to recommend it on a regular basis.
What Dose of Omega 3 Fatty Acid is Beneficial?
The healthy dose Omega 3 fish oil for depression can range between the 1 gm in a day to 10 gm in a day. What studies show that consuming 1gm of DHA and EPA where at least 60% EPA should exist in the combination is beneficial for treating depression. Moreover, patients with the bipolar condition need to take cautions as Omega 3 can bring mania as the primary antidepressants. So, you need to take caution while consuming this medicine.
For more information, you can consult with experts available at Healthy Naturals.