“Keep your vitality. A life without health is like a river without water” are the fine words of Maxime Lagacé but in this fast- pacing world our lives have divided between the workplace and home. As a result, we have completely lost the healthy balance that once used to be the foundation of a healthy life. This can lead to a low immune system, fatigue, rheumatism, and other diseases like Ulcerative Colitis that can is too painful to endure.
Turmeric- the ancient Indian herb and spice have been used as a traditional medicine for centuries to reduce the symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis. Curcumin- the key component of turmeric has gained popularity due to its anti-inflammatory properties. That’s why we have come up with this post to elaborate on how turmeric can help in reducing the symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis.
What is ulcerative colitis?
Right before you dwell yourself on the topic of how Turmeric Curcumin supplements help, you need to understand what is Ulcerative colitis? Well, it is a type of inflammatory bowel disease in which the intestines become inflamed. Many researchers suggest that it is a result of the immune system attacking its own harmless bacteria, virus or food- creating an inflammatory reaction that leads to the bowel injury.
What are the symptoms of ulcerative colitis?
Some of the most common symptoms of ulcerative colitis are as given below:
Abdominal pain and cramps
Loss of appetite

How Turmeric Curcumin Help?
There have been numerous studies that suggest that with the proper medication, turmeric curcumin can benefit from the condition of ulcerative colitis. In the published study in Clinical Gastroenterology & Hepatology, it was found that patients who have consumed mesalamine with the 3000 milligrams (mg) of curcumin supplements have recovered faster than patients who were only taking the mesalamine with placebo.
Other studies highlighted that those who consumed turmeric have lower relapse over those who took a placebo to cure ulcerative colitis. Although more research is required in this area to confirm the benefits of turmeric in the condition of ulcerative colitis, experts like Linda Antinoro, RD, at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston are treating patients with symptoms of UC by adding the turmeric in their diets to treat the ulcerative colitis.
Who can exactly benefit from turmeric curcumin?
Consuming Turmeric Curcumin capsules from Healthy Naturals can be highly beneficial for those who are showing from mild to medium symptoms then, taking curcumin can help you to get to remission sooner. But it is not recommended for patients with the severe UC symptoms. “while there is no evidence, but if the patients want, they can still give a try to the turmeric curcumin supplement with their medications” said Cavagnaro.
How much turmeric curcumin you require to consume?
Since the curcumin- the key component only makes a small amount of turmeric, you are required to consume at least 2000 to 4000 mg of turmeric to unlock the benefits. One of the best ways to get your daily dose of turmeric curcumin is to consume the turmeric curcumin capsules offered by Healthy Naturals. The experts at the site do not recommend the overdose of any health and dietary supplement as taking too much can have side effects like; upset stomach, nausea, and diarrhea.” If you want you can use it with:
Fruit smoothie
People often take the supplement with the mild-warm water to get it to dissolve and start effects immediately.
Yet, having so much expectation from the ancient herb can be challenging to handle. While there are some studies to support the claim most of the experiments are done on the animals. So, it is recommended to consult with your physicians before taking any supplements. Moreover, if you are having doubts regarding the turmeric curcumin supplement then, feel free to reach out to experts at the Healthy Naturals.